Transition morning

All classes will move up to their new class for the morning.

Non-uniform day – PFA

The PFA have arranged a non-uniform day to help raise funds for the school.

Y4 class assembly

The Y4 class assembly will be held in the hall at 9:15am

Transition morning

All classes will move up to their new class for the morning.

Y3 class assembly

Y3 class assembly will be held in the school hall at 9:15am

Sports afternoon

Sports afternoon will take place on Friday 5th July from 1:30pm on the school field. Should the forecast indicate rain on the Thursday - we will make the decision to cancel and notify parents via Parentmail and the website. the reserve day is FRIDAY 12th JULY  

Y5 class assembly

Y5 class assembly will take place in the school hall at 9:15am

Reserve Sports Day

Sports Day took place on Friday 5th July, so we no reserve day required