Whole school class photograph

Tempest Photography will be taking a whole school photograph in the morning. They will start setting up the platform from 8:00am on the school playground

Animal Roadshow

Miss Hornby has organised the Animal Roadshow to visit school. More details to follow.

Y6 Personal Awareness

Miss Gordon has arranged for a Judo personal Awareness session for the Y6 children.

Y1 class assembly

Y1 Class assembly will take place at 9:15am in the school hall.

Transition morning

All classes will move up to their new class for the morning.

Non-uniform day – PFA

The PFA have arranged a non-uniform day to help raise funds for the school.

Y4 class assembly

The Y4 class assembly will be held in the hall at 9:15am

Transition morning

All classes will move up to their new class for the morning.